No more rushing through traffic or trying to get off work to your appointment.

Nutrition Joy, LLC offers convenient and personalized nutrition counseling through a secure online platform or by phone.

All new clients are required to have an initial nutrition assessment and counseling session. Follow-up coaching sessions are scheduled after the initial appointment. Clients typically require multiple coaching sessions and continuing support to successfully reach their nutrition goals.

Let us be your partner in this journey of life.

healthy-breakfast_4460x4460 (2)Initial Nutrition Consultation 
During the initial assessment and consultation, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist reviews and discusses your health and medical history, lifestyle, eating habits, meal pattern, physical activities, and weight history.   We will explore your goals and provide a personalized nutrition plan to help you meet your individual nutrition needs and goals.  All appointment is conducted through a secure virtual platform or by phone.  (60 minutes)

Follow-Up Coaching session

The coaching session is scheduled after the initial nutrition assessment. During the coaching session, we will review your goals and progress, review your food journal, discuss any concerns or questions, and provide recommendations to help you continue in this journey.  We can also help you to learn to read food labels, measure correct portion sizes, count carbohydrate exchanges, and other self-monitoring tools. (30 minutes)

soup-vegetables-pot-cookingHealthy Kitchen Consultation 
Let us help you to have a makeover of your kitchen. A healthy diet starts with a healthy kitchen.  We will review food items in your pantry and kitchen and help you to make choices between healthy and unhealthy foods. We will make recommendations on alternatives and healthy food items that you should keep in your pantry and fridge. (45 minutes)

Food Sensitivity and Mediator Released Testing (MRT) Package
If you are suffering from frequent diarrhea, migraine headache, and body ache, you may be experiencing adverse reactions to food sensitivities. MRT testing helps you to identify foods that you are sensitive to. This package includes MRT test results, initial nutrition counseling, and 4 follow-up sessions with strategies to regain your health using a personalized Immuno-calm diet.

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Micronutrient Testing
Micronutrient testing measures how micronutrients are actually functioning within your white blood cells. These tests allow your nutritional assessment for a broad variety of clinical conditions, general wellness, and the prevention of chronic diseases including arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular risk, diabetes, various immunological disorders, and metabolic disorders.

Email christyRD@nutrition-joy to schedule for an appointment.